Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Peer Feedback Strategies

This year, as an AIG teacher, I am going into my 3rd grade classes to teach a one-week unit to the entire class.  During this unit, 3D Doodles, we create a doodle on paper, and then we turn it into a stuffed doodle (similar to a stuffed animal).  The great part of this lesson is that it uses only materials found in a classroom- tape, kleenex, paper and colored pencils or crayons.

I love everything about this lesson.  It is well worth the $3!  When finishing up the 3D doodle creation portion of the unit, I wanted my students to give feedback to each other, but for it also to be fun.  I came across a few different peer feedback ideas, so I thought I'd share them with you.

Stars and Wishes
I had students fold a piece of paper in half and write Stars on one side and Wishes on the other.  They left their stuffed doodle on their desk with this paper.  Then we had about 15 minutes where we walked around and wrote Stars (things students did well) and Wishes (improvements that could be made- use the statement "I wish...").

I did this with a 3rd grade class and it worked well!  Before we did this peer feedback though, we discussed what types of specific feedback we could give to others about their doodle.  We brainstormed a list and kept it up on the SMARTboard during the Gallery walk around the room. This way, students could use some of the ideas we brainstormed to help them give thoughtful, specific feedback.  Also make sure to remind them to only add kind feedback.

Finally I modeled what a specific piece of feedback would be for one of the student's doodles for Stars and Wishes.  This helped to cement the idea of written feedback.

TAG (Tell something you like, Ask a question, Give a suggestion)
This is a cool strategy I'd like to try with 4th and up- I think it is simple but also effective.  I will still model what it should look like when commenting and also discuss specific feedback with students.

Comments and Questions & The Spectacular Now and Next Time are also great feedback strategies I'd like to try.

What Peer Feedback Strategies do you use?

Happy Tuesday,
Ashley :)